Temple of Leah (Mini Greece) - Cebu City

 After exploring the mini-Amsterdam of Cebu, our next stop was the mini-Greece ~ the Temple of Leah.

It took us around 20 minutes of travel time from Amsterdam to Greece (how cool right? hahaha). We arrived at around 6:00PM which is not so good for taking pictures but the view of Cebu lights were astonishing.

Kinda blurry. i'm not really good in taking pictures.

The temple of Leah is a tribute of Teodoro Adarna, grandfather of actress Ellen Adarna and the owner of the Queensland hotels, to his wife Leah Albino-Adarna. 

"This Temple was constructed in the year 2012 A.D. as a symbol of my undying love for her and my ceaseless devotion to Leah Villa Albino-Adarna, my wife of 53 years. I adopted an architectural and structural design that can withstand time and still be appreciated for a millennium so this Temple will become a landmark of Cebu City where future generations of the Adarna clan coming from her can come and trace their roots and heritage." as stated in their facebook page.

The Temple is regularly open and we did not pay any entrance fee. The finishing touches of the temple is ongoing and i doubt when the over-all contruction ends but still, tourists continue to drop by each day.  

Blogger pose - courtesy of May man ka Day's videos. 

Astounding ceiling of their rest rooms.

Found this David Statue near the rest room. Not Safe for Work photo. HAHAHA

For more information and clear pictures, visit their Facebook page here.


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