Book Suggestions

             Hi everyone! These past few days, I'm busy (addicted) to reading books and I want to share to you my booklist. These books are mostly on 'Young-Adult Fiction ' genre.

Here it goes:

1. Everyday by David Levithan

"Every day a different body
 Everyday a different life
 Everyday in love with the same girl"

          This book is about the love story of A (protagonist's name), a teen who wakes up every morning in a different body, living a different life.

2. Six Earlier Days by David Levithan

          In this book, David Levithan gives readers a glimpse of the other stories that is yet to be told and informs how A handles the complexities of a life lived differently each day.
         I've read this Six Earlier Days after reading Everyday. I suggest you not to read this book if you haven't read Everyday.

3. If I Stay by Gayle Forman

"If you stay, I'll do whatever you want. 
I'll quit the band, go with you to New York.
 But if you need me to go away, I'll do that, too.
 I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful, 
that maybe it'd be easier for you to erase us. 
And that would suck, but I'd do it. I can lose you like that if I don't lose you today. 
I'll let you go. If you stay."

4. Where She Went by Gayle Forman

“You don’t share me. You own me.” 
“I needed to hate someone and you’re the one I love the most, so it fell on you.” 

5. Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

“He was a magnet and I was steel”
“There are moments when you can't believe something wonderful is happening. 
And there are moments when your entire consciousness is filled with knowing absolutely
 that something wonderful is happening.” 

6. The Summer I turned Pretty Jenny Han

“Moments, when lost, can't be found again. They're just gone.” 
“It's the imperfections that make things beautiful” 
“Victory is a thousand times sweeter when you're the underdog.” 

7. It's Not Summer Without You by Jenny Han

"There are moments in life that you wish with all your heart you could take back. 
Like, just erase from existence. 
Like, if you could, you'd erase yourself right out of existence too,
 just to make that moment not exist." 

8. We'll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han

"He didn't give me flowers or candy. He gave me the moon and the stars. Infinity"
"But just because you bury something, that doesn't mean it stops existing." 

9. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

“I miss you."
"That's stupid," she said. "I saw you this morning."
"It's not the time," Levi said, and she could hear that he was smiling." It's the distance.” 

10. This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith

“Nothing's all that scary if you can see it coming.” 
“How are you supposed to find what you’re looking for if you’re not convinced it’s even out there?” 

11. Delirium by Lauren Oliver

“I guess that’s just part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up.” 

12. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

“Waste today, want tomorrow...” 
“Something must die so that others can live.” 

12. Requiem by Lauren Oliver

“And you can't love, not fully, unless you are loved in return.” 
“Love is a kind of possession. It’s a poison.” 

13. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell

"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something"
“If you can’t save your own life, is it even worth saving?”

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